CBSE / Aff. No. 1930843 Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi - Aff. No. 1930843


Mock Parliament

Dec 16, 2023 3 min read

"Parliament is the supreme legislative body, and its right to make law is unlimited." In the spirit of democracy and civic education, Our Students of grade IX enacted and brought a replica of our Indian Parliament to our School. Students witnessed a dynamic simulation of parliamentary proceedings that was both educational and entertaining. The concept of a mock parliament provides our students with a valuable opportunity to step into the shoes of legislators, debating critical issues that affect…

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Children's Day

Nov 15, 2023 5 min read

A joyful celebration of innocence – Children’s Day. Children’s Day Extravaganza. “Children are the most beautiful of all flowers” A day dedicated to celebrate the pure joy, innocence, and boundless potential of our youngest members of society, was marked with exuberance and festivities at MPS from 9.00 AM to 4.00 PM on 14 November, 2023. The event aimed to create a memorable experience for children, emphasizing the importance of their well-being and nurturing their creative spirits. Games Galore…

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Diwali Celebrations

Nov 10, 2023 3 min read

Diwali is a time of Joy, bringing people together, to reflect and to spread joy, compassion, and generosity around. A special assembly was conducted by 11th-grade students to initiate the celebration of Diwali. The ambiance of the school with Diyas, crackers, stalls, and dances awoke the festive mode in each and every student. Students of grades I to XI staged various performances such as mime, speech, and dance – classical, folk, and western which triggered the tapping of feet and swaying of ar…

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Oct 24, 2023 2 min read

Excitement and Jitters on Display as Beginners start their first Day at School. " A Journey of a Thousand Mile Begins with a single step" Vijayadasami or vidhayarambam is a Momentous occasion as Beginners take their first step into the world of Education.At MPS,the atmosphere was filled with a sense of anticipation and wonder as parents and their little ones gathered for this memorable Day.Inside the classroom,colourful charts,toys,cycles and friendly faces awaited the young learners. The day st…

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Navathri Golu

Oct 23, 2023 2 min read

Navratri is more than just a festival. It's a celebration of life, and culture. It's a celebration that brings individuals close to our rich tradition. Students of MPS vibrantly took part in the celebration by performing a colourful and energetic dance "Dandiya Rass". Students wore traditional attire and danced in circles celebrating the festival with enthusiasm. Each of these 9 nights is associated with nine forms of goddess. KG Students were dressed depicting the 9 forms of goddess and 10 avat…

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Birds Day

Oct 20, 2023 2 min read

Birds are cute little winged creatures who never fail to inspire us with their lives.” To generate awareness about physical and behavioural needs for improving the welfare of birds, "Birds Day" was celebrated in Muthamil Public School. Numerous class activities were conducted on the same day. Our little saviours of kindergarten prepared birds by using paper folding ( origami) and creative skills. They also expressed their notions by reciting few lines about their survival and taking care of bird…

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Poverty Day

Oct 18, 2023 2 min read

🤝 On Poverty Day, our students extended a helping hand to make a meaningful difference! 🌍Our students of MPS gathered together from KG to Grade XII to commemorate Poverty Eradication Day. In the spirit of compassion and unity, our students extended a helping hand to make a meaningful difference to less fortunate students and senior citizens. In lieu of this, they were taken to the Tirunelveli Social Service Society (TSSS) Saranalayam, an organization dedicated to eradicating poverty, and also …

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Food Day

Oct 16, 2023 2 min read

FOOD DAY "One cannot think well, love well, sleep well if one has not dined well." Students of grades III-V observed World Food Day today. Classes were divided into four groups and each group was allotted one cuisine pertaining to the following states; Kerala, Bengal, Andra, and Tamil Nadu. Parents cooked food with delight for their ward and their friends and had a Potluck lunch together on this special day “World Food Day”. The delicacies were sumptuous captivating to sight and mouth-watery too…

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India National Postal Day

Oct 10, 2023 2 min read

📮✉️ Celebrating India National Postal Day! ✉️📮 On this special occasion of India National Postal Day, we are thrilled to share an exciting experience from our school! Our enthusiastic students recently had the fantastic opportunity to visit the Railway Mail Service (RMS) and get an up-close look at the fascinating process of sending mail. 🚂💌 The RMS is a vital part of India's postal network, ensuring that letters and parcels reach their destinations swiftly and efficiently. Our students had …

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Kauvery Marathon

Sep 25, 2023 2 min read

"Clean Strides for a Hygienic Tomorrow: Marathon for Cleanliness and Hygiene" Kauvery Hospital of Tirunelveli organized “Kauvery Marathon” to create awareness of how to keep oneself fit and healthy and the importance of cleanliness and Hygiene.. Our District collector Dr. K. P. Karthikeyan I.A.S joined this noble venture too. Muthamil Public School students not willing to miss any given opportunity to show their dedication towards the betterment of one’s health participated with great zeal. Clea…

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