CBSE / Aff. No. 1930843 Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi - Aff. No. 1930843


Oct 24, 2023 | 2 min read

Excitement and Jitters on Display as Beginners start their first Day at School.
" A Journey of a Thousand Mile Begins with a single step"
Vijayadasami or vidhayarambam is a Momentous occasion as Beginners take their first step into the world of Education.At MPS,the atmosphere was filled with a sense of anticipation and wonder as parents and their little ones gathered for this memorable Day.Inside the classroom,colourful charts,toys,cycles and friendly faces awaited the young learners.
The day started with warm introductions,Games and interaction activities to help children get acquainted with their friends.
Mps aims at creating a nurturing and inspiring environment where children can learn,grow and make lifelong friends.As part of our tradition the Event began by offering Pooja to the Deity followed by writing their very first letter on a plate filled with Paddy symbolising the beginning of their Educational journey.Sweets were share to mark the celebration.The Tiny Tots enjoyed the play way fun-filled learning.












